As soon as your Casting Networks and Syngency profiles have been created, we can start putting your child forward for work as appropriate briefs come through. You won’t need to do anything else but sit tight and be patient. When a client expresses an interest and would like to set up an audition, we’ll share a few high fives around the office and then get in touch with you immediately.
This is the million dollar question. We can offer no guarantees in regards to how often your child will work. We do not know what work will come up from one day to the next, what our clients will want to advertise or what age groups or size that they will require. However, we do choose our children carefully and our hit rate is very high.
Please ensure that we have your correct email address and that you are receiving the notifications of the jobs we have put your child up for. That way, you will know that we are working for you.
The large majority of the work is during the week and can be during school time. There is very little work done at weekends as loading applies to crew and talent.
Work, auditions and castings can be at any time. For this reason parents should be prepared to take their children out of school if necessary.
It should be noted here that the majority of work is done in and around the inner city areas of Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane and therefore you should be aware that if you live in outer areas travelling will be involved.